Going online: training Australian subcommittee via Skype

Program update and engagement with our Australian subcommittee.

Such a achievement to have our Timorese midwives, social health workers and Healthcare workers discussing the issues with senior staff in Australia on skype. Holding their own in discussion .

A Senior Social worker, GP’s, Psychiatrist, a Dr who is a Medical Forensic expert, Dr with Obstetrics/Gynaecology and child health, M&E expert and a senior Midwife.

A few professors, Uni lecturers and senior specialists in this list and a collective hugh force of experience and passion.

It is the volunteerism and passion that sets this NGO apart. Have you noticed that people will do so much more for love, than they are willing to do for money?

Help us do even more

Even though healthcare in Timor-Leste has improved, there is still so much more to do.  

A small amount of money goes a long way with the per person health budget less than US$100 per year. 


Covers the cost of petrol for a month so a healthcare worker can provide home visits around Dili.

$58 p/month

in 12 months

Covers the cost of running a nutrition referral project in one community healthcare centre.

$650 p/month

Covers the full cost to employ a nurse who can help deliver our programs.