Felismino dos Santos Soares

HR and Admin Officer

Hello, I am Felis and I come from a big family in the Municipality of Liquiça. I studied English At UNTL (National University of Timor-Leste) Faculty of Education Art and Humanity. While studying, I was involved with several organizations to organize various activities voluntarily, such as Red Cross Timor-Leste in their First Aid Program. Before joining Maluk Timor, I did my internship in a High School in Automotive Mechanics and informatics, and I was Youth Program Officer with Red Cross. What I love about Maluk Timor is that we are working for a better healthcare system for my country. I hope one day, all Timorese citizens will have access to an excellent quality of health service in which we are handled appropriately and with dignity. On my first day at MT, I was surprised to find all the staff and the Director were sitting together and enjoying a lunch together. The challenging part about working at MT is there are so many medical terminologies that I didn’t known but my team is always there to help me. I love working with the ASTEROID Team; we have great teamwork, hear each other, respect each other, we have well-organized work strategies and effective communication skills. I think this is the fundamental reason that makes me proud with this dream team.