Sergio Xavier da Silva

RHD Nurse

My name is Sergio da Silva and I am a Registered Nurse with the RHD Program since 2018. I finalised my studies in Indonesia with Bachelor Degree in Nursing Stikes National University Surabaya in 2012 and a Nurse Program in Stikes National University Tuban 2015. I am responsible for conducting penicillin injection treatment for patients with Rheumatic Heath Disease (RHD) in the Municipalities of Dili, Ermera, and Bobonaro. I also do training about RHD for healthcare workers in Timor-Leste. What are you most proud of in your programme/team? I became the first nurse in Timor-Leste to have a deep knowledge regarding the RHD treatment. What have you learned/discovered about yourself after working in MT? I feel more confident about being a trainer. What excites you about working for a better healthcare system? I am proud to implement the RHD program and hope that one day it will become one of our countries national programs. What surprised you about MT when you first started working here? The first time I worked at MT, I couod see that this NGO’s vision is to improve the healthcare system in Timor-Leste. What made you decide to join MT? I heard that MT has a vision that will help Ministry of Health (MoH) to improve the healthcare system in Timor-Leste. I love my profession in MT because I can take care of patients with RHD that need monthly treatments.