Dr Inda is a glimpse into the future in Dentistry

A glimpse of the future.

Dr Inda, a young Timorese dental professional was trained in the Philippines, mentored by Aussie’s dentists for a few years in her early career is now developing material and delivering dental training to our Timorese Family Medicine GP trainees.

We are excited and so proud of this, it’s a sign of things to come.

Young adults rise up to help lead their people- changing the culture of adult peer education.

Help us do even more

Even though healthcare in Timor-Leste has improved, there is still so much more to do.  

A small amount of money goes a long way with the per person health budget less than US$100 per year. 


Covers the cost of petrol for a month so a healthcare worker can provide home visits around Dili.

$58 p/month

in 12 months

Covers the cost of running a nutrition referral project in one community healthcare centre.

$650 p/month

Covers the full cost to employ a nurse who can help deliver our programs.