Conference in TL – Strengthening System for Diagnosis and Control of Infectious Disease

The second International Annual Health Scientific Conference 2022.
Strengthening System for Diagnosis and Control of Infectious Disease in Timor Leste”
This conference is annually initiated by the National Institute of Saúde Timor Leste with the support from Maluk Timor, Menzies School of Health Research, and World Health Organization in Timor Leste.
It is an honor that at this year’s event approximately 50 abstracts were submitted by researchers from Timor Leste and of these 15 people were selected for their abstracts to present the theme of Strengthening the System for Diagnosing and Controlling Infectious Diseases in Timor Leste.
This indicates that the level of interest of researchers this year has increased significantly compared to the last year. The number of researchers has increased, due to the opportunities provided by this International Conference.
Speakers and researchers at the Conference come from all over the world and of course from Timor-Leste. Senior members from the Ministry of Health (MoH), University academics and health partners participated in the conference, and presented their findings for their research on various topics.
At the same time, the winners of the ASTEROID small grant fund from last year, presented findings from research with their respective themes.
1. Dr Marcelo Amaral Mali (Does the delivery of Infectious Diseases at CHCs lead to appropriate triage of patients with respiratory illness.
2. Dr Marcos Gomes (Does the provision of ASTEROID training at CHCs increase referrals of samples for GeneXpert testing in TB suspects?).
3. Dr Anferida Monteiro Fernandes (Does the delivery of Infectious Diseases at CHCs lead to appropriate triage of patients with respiratory illness?) (Similar to Dr Marecelo but approaching it from a different perspective.).
Likewise from the ASTEROID Team, who represented Doctor João Arcanjo de Jesus, who presented about the practice of IPC and the obstacles experienced by healthcare workers.
We hope based on these findings presented, become valuable input for the relevant decision makers, stakeholder and partners, and could take actions to address the health problems that happening within the society.

Help us do even more

Even though healthcare in Timor-Leste has improved, there is still so much more to do.  

A small amount of money goes a long way with the per person health budget less than US$100 per year. 


Covers the cost of petrol for a month so a healthcare worker can provide home visits around Dili.

$58 p/month

in 12 months

Covers the cost of running a nutrition referral project in one community healthcare centre.

$650 p/month

Covers the full cost to employ a nurse who can help deliver our programs.