Dr Raj and Dr Lois Share Their Insights on Volunteering
Maluk Timor’s Executive Director – Dr Raj Rajaraman and his wife Dr Lois Hong, who is also the organisation’s Clinical Director, have had a long connection to healthcare in Timor-Leste. Raj started volunteering in a small clinic in Dili in 2005 and returned 15 years later to volunteer full time at Maluk Timor, before becoming […]
Engineers without borders helping with expert guidance

This year is off to a flying start with Engineers Without Borders provided pro bono flood risk assessment, consultation and expert guidance for Maluk Timor’s planned refurbishment work to the Formosa clinic site in Dili city. EWB collaborated with our in-country HIV and VAHSI teams under time pressure to produce an efficient and context-appropriate set […]
Dr Elanor recognised at event hosted by Foreign Minister, Penny Wong

Our chair Julie was in Canberra last week and stumbled upon another one of our alumni brushing shoulders with politicians. “I was in Canberra last week wearing my hat as Chair of Australian Volunteers I to attend the DFAT celebration at Parliament House for International Volunteers Day. You can imagine my surprise when immediately after […]
Australians Volunteers International annual report – Maluk Timor team on the front :)

We made it the front page of the Australians Volunteers International annual report – Jess and Nencia on the cover, who worked with Rheumatic Heart Disease and Women’s Health and Social Care…read more
Goodbye and enormous gratitude to a great friend of Timor-Leste

Organising us all After being at the helm for 15 years with 50 visits to Timor-Leste since 2006, Dr. Chris Fenton is leaving Maluk Timor to concentrate on the next phase of his life. Chris has been a tireless, enthusiastic, engaged and active member of both Maluk Timor Australia and Associacao Maluk Timor boards since […]
Webinar link – Gordon Peake in conversation with Dr Jeremy

Click here to listen Our international members of the Maluk Timor team – 17 strong In a very challenging year, our dedicated international members of the Maluk Timor team have continued serve above and beyond. Back row: Dr Natarajan Rajaraman (Sing), Dr Mandy Wu (Aus), Amrutha Gopalakrishnan (Ind), Dr Catharine Verity (UK), Dr Amy […]
Photo of the 17 strong International team ”working” at Maluk Timor

An international team of remarkable people helping in Timor-Leste! We thought you would like to see who is over in TL at this remarkable time in the history of the world! Back row: Dr Natarajan Rajaraman (Sing), Dr Mandy Wu (Aus), Amrutha Gopalakrishnan (Ind), Dr Catharine Verity (UK), Dr Amy Samson (UK), Dr Nikee Msuo […]
Making a difference

Grab a coffee and enjoy the latest edition of Dr Jeremys Blog….. Link Wonderful Partnership in life and work – Dr Jeremy and Dr Bethany
Energy and persistence conquer all things – HIV training is being rolled out

As you may have read this week we farewelled the wonderful Dr Eleanor MacMorran – all though there were plenty of tears, we know she’ll be back again early next year. Eleanor, an Infectious Diseases specialist from Tasmania, joined us two years ago when our HIV program was little more than a dream. From August […]
An unsung remarkable woman – Dr Bethany Beckett

Jack of all Trades: A Conversation with Dr. Bethany No two days look alike for Dr. Bethany Beckett. As Maluk Timor’s Director of Medical Education and mentor of the Women’s Health Social Care team, Dr. Bethany already has a more-than-full time job. Even so, she wears far more than those two hats. She arrives to […]
What does the fastest woman (& volunteer) in Timor have to say…

Hear what one of our long term volunteers, Jess Harries – public health nurse and fastest woman in Timor! – has to say about the pride she has for our Maluk, and the big year we’ve had in 2019. There are many achievements to celebrate, but the thing that made me the happiest when looking […]
Volunteer Dr Lauren’s in country story

Dr Lauren Chalmers, Maluk Timor TB Program Mentor, Dili, East Timor As I was in a doctors’ mess back in 2012, someone told me that the LSTM Diploma of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene was the best 3 months of their life. I pondered how this could be. It only took a few days in Liverpool in 2013 […]
Dr Clare Nourse has been awarded and AM !

Congratulations to Paediatric Infection Specialist Dr Clare Nourse who has been appointed as a Member (AM) of the Order of Australia (General Division) in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2019 for her ‘significant service to medicine in the field of paediatric infectious diseases’. Clare is a paediatric infection specialist at Queensland Children’s Hospital in Brisbane […]
Music Festival Berry April 6 (12- 4pm)

FOXFEST FUNDRAISER RETURNS TO BERRY Berry will again host a special concert in aid of East Timor on Saturday April 6. The fourth Foxfest fundraiser will be held at the Cattleshed of Berry Showground, with proceeds going towards Maluk Timor, a non-government organisation that aims to transform healthcare in Timor-Leste’s community health centres. Three musical acts […]